How to access a blocked site?
How to access a blocked site? Perhaps a very unpleasant question that each of us must have faced. However, it is not always easy to understand that the site is blocked, and not just “lay down”. What are the reasons for blocking, what are blocking and how to bypass them? This is what we will try to figure out.
Let’s start with the basics: why are sites blocked at all?

If using the example of the Russian Federation, then any of the subjects of the state (republics, regions, territories, federal cities, etc.) can file a petition to the court calling for the blocking of a resource that, in their opinion, violates something or somehow harms society. Quite frequent situations will be when, for example, in Krasnodar, the site will be blocked, but in Omsk, it will work properly.
Approximately according to the same principle, the state authority, Roskomnadzor, works. But there are fewer protracted processes and the influence covers the entire region and not its subjects. For example, if Roskomnadzor decided to block the site “X”, then this site will not work throughout the Russian Federation, and not just in individual cities.
We will not analyze the sometimes absurd explanations and reasons that may be named, we will only mention something relatively serious. Reasons for blocking can be:
Sending or storing government-prohibited materials
Violation of the current legislation of the country
Separatist propaganda websites
Resources that harm the national idea
Resources that engage in illegal activities (psychotropic substances, human trafficking, and other horrors)
Resources that are included in the register of prohibited
And many many others. In general, if you think about it, you can block the entire Internet, there are enough rules and laws for this.

We do not recommend looking for access to sites and resources that border on a turning point in the ethical component of a person, because there is a limit to everything. However, not all blockings are justified at least by logic, and if a blocked resource with foreign cartoons for children could be visited, there will be no prosecution for this. What can we say about the currently blocked Facebook and Instagram? If you go to them, no one will come to your apartment for you, do not worry.
Every state on our planet sins with absurd blocking, so the situation is not at all new.
What are the most common blockages?
The most frequent, of course, are regional. Such blockages cover the whole country and are controlled by it.
There are local locks. They are implemented by individual enterprises or educational institutions. Not every boss will be happy that you sit and watch some kind of YouTube during working hours.
Individual blocks can be issued by the sites themselves immediately for a whole IP or just accounts.
How do bypass bans and blocking sites?

The most effective option is to use proxy servers.
In total, there are 2 main types of proxies: free and paid.
Free proxies do not require financial investments, but they “crumble” very quickly. Their activities can rarely be called reliable and of high quality.
Paid proxies are supported by various companies and are constantly updated. Of the minuses, you can take into account only the fact that they are paid.
Private proxies greatly simplify the work of many organizations and individuals, not to mention how much they improve your anonymity.
Use only high-quality proxy servers. We suggest trying ours on the site and make sure of their reliability on your own. Each user will be able to choose the pool they need based on their needs.