The country of the IP address is displayed incorrectly. Why?

Nowadays, there are an endless number of websites, and services for reconciling geolocation and IP address data. The reliability of such information they provide depends on many aspects. What causes your IP address to be displayed differently on different sites and services? Although, logically, it should match. Let’s try to figure it out in this article.

Incorrect data in the registries

Web resources that compile data on the geolocation of users cannot determine it with perfect accuracy. Every such resource will use the user’s registration data. All these data are at the disposal of providers. If an error was made when sending the data, then it will be duplicated, and then multiplied. Snowball, in other words.

There is one inconvenient detail of regional registries. Such registries do not have a single format for entering data with registration information. Most of them do not imply fields for entering data about the city at all. In such situations, such data is entered all in one line, like an address. For this reason, but not only, but inaccuracies also occur when entering information about the user. During automatic work on entering data, inaccuracies very often occur, since the data is entered in Latin. By the way, not everyone knows this.

Updating the database late or not updating it at all.

GeoIP base is exploited by many web resources to have an IP address and use geolocation data. This data service may be delayed in updating its databases. So this explains the picture when user data is displayed out of date.

Elementary example.

One company from the USA had at its disposal a whole network of IP addresses. The same company is sold to the Russian Federation. We can say that all addresses already belong to the Russian Federation and are located there, but in reality, we have an example of when addresses will be displayed as in the United States. The reason for this, of course, is the untimely processing and updating of data about these IP addresses. And added to this confusion is that another site will indicate the correct data. It will be problematic for an ordinary user to determine where the truth is. Unless psychic abilities are observed, this is not at all about them.

It is possible to formulate just a bunch of similar situations, and even more, can be cited as an example. It is in such uncomplicated ways that the whole problem of this situation, when the data does not coincide with reality, is explained. The problem is that some resources update their databases too slowly and/or incorrectly.

Why are such situations harmful?

Often, all this is harmless, but sometimes it has certain consequences, for example, you can take the same advertisement. While, conditionally, in Moscow, you may be shown ads for residents of Pskov or any other city. Nothing critical, but you can’t call such advertising effective/useful either.

How to fix the situation?

If the question of display becomes acute and it is needed here and now, then you can “replace” your incorrect data with the correct ones. Proxy servers are perfect for this.

In addition to using proxies, increased anonymity, improved network quality due to data caching, the ability to automate some processes, and possible bypasses of regional or other network blocking will also be pleasant bonuses.

Of the minuses of proxies, only the existence of free proxies can be distinguished. Such servers pose a threat to their users because they are unreliable, and many providers and resources are also blocked. It is best to use reliable, private, proxy servers.