Proxy for Instagram
The modern world is replete with a variety of social networks, it is already difficult to find a person who would not have an account in at least one of them. Even our grandmothers are classmates, VKontakte, and our parents are on Facebook. It can be concluded that everyone who can manage their PC or smartphone has accounts on social networks. This leads us to the idea that the interaction between a social network and a person in our time is simply irreplaceable.
It is worth considering that most people do have accounts on popular social networks such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but they often actively use one of them. In other words, among the rating of popular social networks, we can identify a leader that has significantly pulled ahead. In our time, this can be called the social network Instagram.

It doesn’t matter who you are — an ordinary housewife, a business analyst, a nail artist, or an athlete. Everyone in this social network will find their place under popularity and, even, earnings in some cases. Instagram allows you to promote your brand or sell a product/service. Not to use such facilities is a very strange choice.
To make money on Instagram, only a few criteria are required:
- Product Availability
- Thirsty public
If there shouldn’t be any particular problems with the first one, everyone comes to the market with their offer, but sometimes it becomes a task with an asterisk to collect an indifferent audience. At such moments, they begin to use proxy servers to promote their own Instagram account.
Why is a proxy needed for Instagram automation?
Marketers, idea centers of many companies, and ordinary people often have several profiles on Instagram, and manage several accounts at once. But Instagram has its idea of exactly how many profiles its users should have — exactly one for each IP address. When the activity of your duplicated accounts goes beyond (according to Instagram), the risk of getting banned because you are identified as a potential spammer is high. Such an account restriction can become temporary or even permanent.

To avoid possible troubles with blocking by Instagram, all users with multiple accounts prefer to use proxy servers. They are needed to hide your real IP address and avert suspicion from yourself. The proxy will become the link between the user and the Instagram servers.
How to choose a proxy for Instagram?

The modern proxy market does not stand still and can offer many different options for your needs. To find the best option for yourself, we strongly recommend using private servers, ignoring public (free) ones. The logic is absolutely simple, it’s not just about money. Public proxies are used by many people and you will never guess for what purposes, such proxies run into blockages at the speed of light even from providers, not to mention individual social networks. What is the point of using such proxies? After all, they will take your profile with them, and this is useless.
In the meantime, private proxies can be a great help for your profile needs.
- Increasing anonymity
- User data and information is securely protected
- Network speed and quality get better with caching Each proxy is issued “in hand”, which means t